Seven Cures for a Lean Purse
From one of the most insightful books I have read in my journey for knowledge, here is some of the core principles that you can...
5 No-Brainer Tips for Social Media Marketing
April 21, 2022 So you've figured out how to Tweet, 'Gram and Facebook, you narrowed it down to the best three head shots to use,...
Are You Findable on Google?
March 07 2022 In terms of marketing best practices, real estate agents -- and businesses across any industry, for that matter -- are told they...
4 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Engaging Video Content
March 07 2022 Now more than ever, real estate professionals understand the value of using video in their marketing. The pandemic has catapulted the use...
WATCH: Turning Your Database into a DataBANK!
In 2014, Greg Dallaire decided that it was "time that we invest in a Ferrari instead of driving a Chevy." The broker/owner of Dallaire Realty...