Ive heard plenty of songs that have repeated the phrase “No new friends” or something to that effect. I say FORGET THAT!! Sometimes new friends can be your BEST friends. One think many of us have: TRUST ISSUES!! Especially if you live in the city or an urban area, we walk around on the defense because everyone has a motive; everyone has hustle; and if you dont stay on your p’s and q’s you can end up getting GOT, but sometimes, a lot of times, this can prevent us from obtaining new opportunities. Its always great to get out and network, meet new people, and build new connections, and often times the new people you meet can be a lot more supportive than friends that rarely support, volunteer their time, or encourage your success in your endeavors.
I love my friends, and its true what they say, birds of a feather flock together. There is nothing wrong with RE-building a new flock if you look around you and see some friends in your circle are not moving in the same positive direction as everyone else in your flock. Ultimately we want to be successful, and though we may encourage, help, and support our friends in their endeavors, sometimes there is nothing to do to salvage a toxic relationship. Friendship is built upon respect, trust, encouragement, and your word which can build love; after giving the benefit of the doubt and these qualities begin to faulter, it can be hard, but its time to love from afar.
For my folks who can be loyal to a fault and are willing to be by your folks side until the end, it is always good to just make a new circle outside of the one you already have. I have several circles of friends that overlap or are completely seperate from each other. My friends from my hood are not the same as friends I have met as clients or in my profession. But we have friends from grade school, college, work, the club, traveling, hobbies, events, etc, that can serve to build great new circles.
This is not to say friendship should be transactional, because the truth is, we cant expect every friend to spend money or time to help you complete your goal; but encouragement and support can go a long way. There is nothing wrong with widening your circle, re-building your circle, or just starting a new circle outside of that which you already have, especially in the interest of the goals you want to accomplish. If you want to be a hip hop artist, and your friends do not want to rap with you, find new friends that will; if you want to open a store, and your friends do not want to help, find new friends that will. The least your present friends can do is support, give contstructive criticism , and encourage—sharing on social media is free. In any and all of these cases, NEW FRIENDS can be garner you new opportunities, greater support, and greater access to your goals. It may be cliche, but I have to say it because sometimes “Its not what you know, but who you know!”